Story #1: How Richard Reed created his TURNING POINT when he was 16...

In this BBC documentary, How We Made Our MillionsDragon Den star Peter Jones asked Richard Reed (owner of the multi-million dollar company, Innocent Drinks) when he had decided to become an entrepreneur.

Peter asked:

When did you actually think to yourself, "you know what, i'm an entrepreneur"?

Richard replied:

I was 16 and i was working in a dog biscuit factory. My job paid two pounds an hour. And the task I was assigned was to get down on my hands and knees and pick up the dog biscuits off the factory floor that had fallen off the conveyor belt.

So I went up to the foreman and said, "do you have a brush that I could borrow so that i could do this job better?" and he looked at me, dead in the eyes, and said "son, you're the brush".

That was the split second that I decided that there has got to be a better way than this.

I left the dog biscuit factory that afternoon, went home and set up a little business called Two Men Went to Mow which was mowing lawns in the village I grew up in and before i knew it I was billing myself out at two founds fifty an hour and getting so much work that I could actually give jobs to my mates and made a little extra from there as well.

If you don't like the situation, go about changing it rather than complaining about it.


Hear it straight from the horses's mouth from 6:40 - 7:55 of the video clip below:

Richard Reed created his TURNING POINT when he was 16 years old

or more turning point stories, please visit



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