Story #4 Phil Schibeci hadn't always been this inspirational until he created his TURNING POINT

Australia's renowned author, corporate keynote speaker and workshop facilitator Phil Schibeci has been helping organisations and individuals become the best version of themselves, both personally and professionally for well over two and a half decades. 

In his second book entitled Self-Made: Real Australian Business Stories, a joint-venture with seven other extraordinary entrepreneurs, he talks about one of the most life-changing decisions that he had ever made in his life that got him to where he is today. 

Amazing story! 

Written in complete candidness, Phil describes what was going on in his head on that fateful "forgettable Monday morning"...

Below are excerpts of Phil's personal account taken straight from the book Self-Made.

"It was a forgettable Monday morning at work, While reflecting on my life and feeling very unhappy and sorry for myself, I had a life-defining moment.

Fifteen years earlier, I had set some very big goals to make a difference in the world. 

But here I was in this job doing what I had been doing for the last 25 years, while dreaming about doing something else.

I felt like I have wasted years of my life going in circles while fooling myself that I was heading towards my goals, but in reality getting nowhere,

This realization was initially depressing but eventually it would prove to be very liberating.
It reminded me of a saying I once heard: 'The truth shall set you free, but first it will piss you off.'

At that time I was definitely at the 'pissed off' stage. I couldn't see how I was going to achieve any of the things I really wanted. That horrible Monday at work, after my boss had berated me over an insignificant mistake was my life-defining moment. For the first time in my life I had the horrible thought that I might not actually achieve what I wanted in this lifetime.

The fear of not achieving my dreams became my motivation to finally develop a plan detailing step-by-step how I was going to get from where I was to where I wanted to be. 

Part of the plan included the time frame in which I was going to achieve my goals. I started to also become aware of all the different voices in  y head telling me what I could and couldn't do and I realized the eight-year old was still there in the background struggling to get my attention. 

As soon as I pushed all the negative voices aside i could hear what he was saying. 'Phil, come on, follow your dreams. You can do it; it'll be lots of fun!'"

My other favorite part of his story is his brutally honest admission that,

"For years I went in circles jumping from one idea to another, and when I did take action, I expected immediate results.I wasn't willing to push through all the hard stuff that was holding me back. I have now learnt that this is necessary for success - if it was easy everyone would be doing it."  

That Monday morning saw the emergence of Phil's TURNING POINT. And if you have a turning point story to share, feel free to write in so that our readers can benefit from it as well.

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