Story # 8 Chetan Saligrama from call centre employee to being the founder and CEO of one of the fastest growing 'call centre' companies in Australia


Neil Chetan Saligrama created his TURNING POINT in the most unlikeliest of all places. 

From India, he came to Australia to do his Masters of Mechanical Engineering at RMIT University and had to work part time to pay his bills. All he could get was a part-time job doing telesales. 

To most people, this kind of job is not to be taken too seriously. You do enough just to not get fired. How many would treat it like a long term career? Not that Neil thought this would be his career but it was (and still is) just in his nature to do anything with his utmost commitment. As the saying goes, "How you do anything is how you do everything."

In a matter of a few months, he went from being a full-time student/part-time employee to being a full-time employee/part-time student. He was given the responsibility to train new employees and lead teams across different offices of the organisation.

After a few years, he started his own marketing and customer relationship management company, Thought World Pty Ltd. It was voted as one of the Australia's fastest growing companies by a Business Review Weekly (a major business magazine in Australia) not once but twice. 

Who would have thought the seed for Chetan's career was sow in his part-time job? The first place from which to create our TURNING POINTS is inside our mind, wherever we are physically. Neil happened to be at the call center when he decided to create his.   

Here is a video recording of my interview with Neil. He was also featured in SBS on 25 May 2018.  



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