This 12-minute short film tells the story of young Arnold in Austria. Since young, Arnold loved bodybuilding because it gave him self-confidence. But his father did not approve of his passion (as Austrians love skiing and soccer but not bodybuilding). So h e had a different plan. H e sent 18 year-old Arnold to the Austrian Army to become a tank driver. His father thought that by sending him to the army, he will quit his bodybuilding. Instead of quitting, he continued to train in the military base every night after a long day physically challenging training. And when Arnold received an invitation to compete in a junior contest in Stuttgart, he had to make the most difficult decision in his life. To compete or not compete? If he was to compete, he must sneak out of the base as he could not get the authority to grant him leave. He sneaked out, took part in the contest and won first place. The authority punished him severely for sneaking out AWOL (abs...